The Power of Major Life Changes
What to do when you're NOT over it,
and everyone else thinks you should be!
with Larhken B Carroll
Work with Me
What do you do?
I help you get your life back when you’re NOT over it (and everyone else thinks you should be).
I’ve recently come out of 6 years of family crises and lost many loved ones through death. I’m inspired to offer what got me through it, so others can go through that firestorm and come out with fewer scorch marks.
If you are going through major life changes, and want help getting your life back, let’s talk.
Call me, 510-531-9729.
How long does a session last?
Usually 90 minutes.
Does it help with focus? Managing stress? Dealing with difficult transitions?
Yes, all of those, and more.
Do you do an initial assessment?
Yes, the first session includes assessing where you are, where you want to be and action steps to get you there. Each session after that, we check in with how that’s going, and tweak your steps to move you forward.
Do you give homework?
Yes, I give you a home program to do daily. Time commitment is 10 to 45 minutes daily, depending on your needs. While you will benefit from the session alone, people who get the best results do both sessions and the home program.
How is progress measured?
We set up practical examples and reachable steps, based on where you are and where you want to be. Each program has built-in goals and targets, which we tailor to fit your life.
How does this compare to other programs?
I don’t know of anyone else who does exactly what I do.
What is my investment for private sessions?
I have several specially priced prepaid programs available, ranging from $2059 to $759.
Do you teach classes?
If you’re interested in a class, let’s talk. I’d be glad to put you on my wait-list.
I discovered my life’s passion when I came across the human potential movement during my senior year in high school. I was lucky enough to find a nearby training center during my first semester in college, and I became a trainer with them. In the years since, I’ve sought ways to integrate the body, mind, heart and spirit, to experience happiness and do my best work - I’ve studied a wide variety of methods, combining them in my practice.
I have been helping people of all ages, with all kinds of challenges, focus and enjoy their lives since the 1970s. I love helping people as a guide, mentor and coach, and I create a fun, relaxed space in which to create your new life.
I’ve recently come out of 6 years of family crises and lost many loved ones through death. I’m inspired to offer what got me through it, so others can go through that firestorm and come out with fewer scorch marks.
If you are going through major life changes, and want help getting your life back, let’s talk.
Call me, 510-531-9729.
What are your credentials?
I have 45 years of intensive training and practice in transforming challenges to gifts, and I draw from all of it in the programs I offer. All sessions are either sitting in a chair, or lying on a massage table fully clothed for gentle, relaxing hands-on bodywork.
Some of my training includes:
Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor
Brain Gym (BG) is a transformational brain integration approach, which makes everything in your life easier. Results range from boosted emotional savvy, artistic and musical brilliance, to athletic skills and speaking expertise, to stress management and learning excellence.
Certified practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
NLP is a body of techniques that help people do things well. People use NLP to communicate better, replace destructive habits, create and implement new ideas, do better at work and school, and more.
Acupressure massage
Acupressure is hands-on body work, using specific pressure points to release tension and increase health. Drawn from Chinese medicine, it strengthens the immune system, speeds recovery from illnesses, accidents or other trauma, and reduces chronic and acute pain.
CranioSacral Therapy (CST)
CST is hands-on body work, using gentle touch to release holding in the body. It’s used to help recovery from head injury, accidents or other trauma, and both chronic and acute pain.
- Reiki
Reiki is hands-on energy work, which allows the body to re-set and recover from injury or illness.
Rhythmic Movement Training, early childhood reflex integration
RMT and reflex integration use specific gentle movements to restore neural connections in the brain and body. This has been shown to help recovery from injury, accident, chronic and acute pain, and to facilitate improvement in neurological challenges.
Natural Vision Improvement (NVI) methods
Simple habits and exercises shown to improve vision, NVI methods are drawn from multiple sources, including the Bates Method, Syntonics color therapy, developmental optometry, Brain Gym and Living VisionTM.